
Single aluminium sliding system G/K

in-wall sliding doors

The system for the doors hidden in the wall, built-in with gypsum board in the configuration - single system. The system entirely made of aluminium allows to use any type of non-rebated sliding wing (non applicable to glass doors).

Table of dimensions (mm)

Door wing width [Sd] Door wing height [Hd] Total system width [C] Door cassette length [D] Clear opening width after mounting the frame [E] Clear opening width before mounting the frame [F] Cassette depth after mounting the frame [G] Height of light transition [H] System total height [H1]
644 2030 1308 640 602 648 654 2018 2115
744 1508 740 702 748 754
844 1708 840 802 848 854
944 1908 940 902 948 954
1044 2108 1040 1002 1048 1054

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